
Spiritual Home Remodel

Carol Webster, June 2022

If you don't consciously have a place and way to calm-out when things get tough,

the tendency is to run away and/or numb-out which leads us to feel isolated,

desperate, ill, and varying degrees of unhappiness or misery.

In the last chapter of The Holding Space Practice (HSP) book, I wrote about H.O.M.E.

“There is a “place” where we are home. It is a place where we always want to return. A place associated with family, acceptance, protection, warmth, relief, belonging, relaxing, safety, consistency…

For those whose childhood home life was less than ideal (and we can ALL think of ways that our childhood was less than ideal!), the word “home” might trigger painful thoughts or feelings.”

Right now, let’s let home stand for this acronym:





This H.O.M.E. is a place inside of you. The aim of creating a Holding Space Practice is to help you find that place that you carry around inside your physical body whether you realize it or not. The more you can access your H.O.M.E., the more permanent and sustaining peace you find, no matter what your past has been or what your future holds.

If you don’t consciously have a place and way to calm-out when things get tough, the tendency is to run away and/or numb-out which leads us to feel isolated, desperate, ill, and varying degrees of unhappiness or misery.”

On the other hand, we all have a physical place where we live and people we were born to. Many of us have people we have given birth to as well.

"Every way I have looked at it, I can only conclude that happiness in life is pretty much measured by how happy one’s family life is.” (from my blog)

I believe in the power of family! It is easily the most challenging yet important aspects of our life. It requires work… a lot of work… to create a peaceful home environment.

I like the analogy of a home remodel. After a while, things get worn out or we discover that they no longer function well for us or we are just ready for a change or upgrade.

I created a coloring page that sums up well the idea that we can do a “home remodel” in terms of creating an environment where that people really feel accepted, protected, and safe, a.k.a. at home!

What kind of “home remodel” would you like? What do you want it to feel like in your family? You know the famous Mahatma Gandhi quote: “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Or, from a childhood song, “kindness begins with me.” Let me clear, that means being kind to myself is where I start. It is really that simple… but that does not mean it is easy.

Let’s do this! Keep practicing love (which is what the HSP is!) We can spiritually remodel our homes which will unleash the positive power of H.O.M.E. and family!